Our Story
The story of White Tale Coffee begins in Colombia, where three boys met as children. While they parted ways, each becoming a traveler and global citizen in their own right, they remained connected by their homeland. Eventually, that connection brought them back together through social media, and then with visits to their new homes in San Francisco, Chicago, Minneapolis. Each time the friends would gather over coffee and talk about home.
At some point, over a cup of coffee, it dawned on them. In part, they shared a connection to each other through coffee, in the same way they shared a connection to the farmers in their homeland who grew it. Yet while they could sit and talk to each other about their lives, families, and dreams, they had no earthly way to know anything about the farmers who made their life’s work the cultivation of the coffee they enjoyed.
So they made a vow to learn more about where their coffee came from and to make sure that anyone who wanted the pleasure of tasting the best coffee on earth could also get the satisfaction of knowing whose hands had touched that coffee, what communities were sustained by that purchase, and the journey that beans make from coffee farm to coffee cup.
Today, that promise is a reality, where we at White Tale Coffee take the finest responsibly sourced beans from around the world and roast them fresh for our customers. We curate stories from farmers and their families and share them with you, and we conveniently deliver it all to your door with simple subscriptions.
White Tale brings people closer to their coffee.